Monday, February 1, 2016

Help! I've fallen into a slump and I can get up!

So a follow up on my Erica Manifesto. I'm still relatively plagued by vast inactivity. However I recently scheduled myself with a personal trainer, hoping this will get me back on track. I have done well on my reaching out to people, I have contacted old coworkers who have moved and checked in on them. I have been trying my damnedest to not be a reclusive asshole, which is a really easy label to fall into when you are as anxious as me. We are still working towards travelling this summer, but we have some bills to pay first. And I guess that's all.
Overall I feel like this trying to build myself into a better person is a lot of fucking work and I am also realizing how insignificant I am (or whatever existential crisis bullshit you want to call it). However I am kinda at peace with this. I guess this really hit me last Monday.
Work is so humbling. I took care of a really sad case, and in the end I sat on the floor with one of the parents while they cried, and I cried with them. Then I cried the whole drive home, and I can't stop thinking about this family. I mean to see someone's entire world implode on itself is a heartbreaking thing and it really humbles you. It teaches you humility like nothing else in the world.
I have been struggling with my overall self-betterment because I think I have been chasing it with the wrong intentions. Am I doing this for myself, or for others? Then I completely realized, who the fuck cares?! Life is so short, tragedy can plague every corner, enjoy your life, love yourself, do what makes you happy.
So instead of an Erica Manifesto I am presenting you all with a list of what makes me the happiest:
1. My amazingly comforting husband.
2. My asshole cat
3. My husband's loving but totally dumb kitten
4. My wonderful friends who help me cope by just being rad
6. My family. My mom is my best friend.
5. My comics/nerd gear
6. Exercising: it really does help my overall anxiety
7. Being fortunate enough to have good health, a stable roof over my head and food in the pantry.

Seriously, life is so short. Find solstice and therapy in your own idea of comforts.

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